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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2022, 4(2); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2022.040205.

Thoughts on the Reform of Public Sports Supply Mechanism under the Concept of Service-oriented Government


Jiabin Zhang1,2, Ying Liu1, Liang Zhang3

Corresponding Author:
Jiabin Zhang

1Taishan University, Taian, China

2New Era University College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

3Northern Kuala Lumpur International College, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


With the continuous progress of social economy, social sports are facing a period of great development. Public sports represent the interests of the public and are the foundation of social sports, therefore, how to solve the contradiction between the demand for public sports and the lack of supply has become an urgent problem to be solved. This study argues that only by reforming the current single mode of supply by the government, strengthening the government's public sports service function while actively introducing market-oriented and social development tools and adopting a multi-channel financing approach, can the contradiction between the demand for public sports and the lack of supply be effectively resolved.


Service-oriented Government; Public Sport; Sport Supply; Mechanism Reform

Cite This Paper

Jiabin Zhang, Ying Liu, Liang Zhang. Thoughts on the Reform of Public Sports Supply Mechanism under the Concept of Service-oriented Government. Frontiers in Sport Research (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 2: 21-24. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2022.040205.


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