Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2022, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2022.050307.
Fanzhi Meng
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
In this world, there are many dangerous and complicated environments in which humans cannot work. Mobile robots are an important method that people use to solve these problems. Hexapod robots are known for their excellent static and dynamic stability, as well as strong environmental adaptability in mobile robots. Hexapod robots play a critical role in overcoming complex and challenging terrain. The paper attempts to finish two different parts of the work. The first part is to construct a Simulink-based CORIN robot model, and the second part is to develop a foothold planning algorithm for hexapod robots. The highly visual robot model can be used to display the results of related algorithms. It can also be applied in the Simulink physical environment to simulate robot overturning recovery, robot wall walking and other advanced robot motions through the use of the contact force blocks. Moreover, for the foothold planning algorithm, a collision detection algorithm based on the distance between the feature points and the obstacles is implemented. 18 feature points are set on the CORIN robot to ensure that the robot optional footholds are all collision-free points. Based on the path length, the distance from the target point and the collision state, a cost function is established, which is used in the CORIN robot foothold path planning algorithm. Results show that based on the kinematics of CORIN robot leg and modeling method in the Simulink, a complete CORIN hexapod robot model that can be controlled by specifying the position of the end effector or setting three different revolute joint angles has been designed. Furthermore, a radical foothold planning algorithm that can avoid collisions and focus on reaching the target point is implemented.
Hexapod robots, Foothold planning, Modeling
Fanzhi Meng. Design of Simulink-based 3D Hexapod Robot Model and Implementation of Hexapod Robot Foothold Planning. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2022), Vol. 5, Issue 3: 45-61.
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