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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2022, 4(2); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2022.040216.

In the Context of Rural Revitalization: Analysis of the Impact of the Internet on the Stability of Farmers' Interest Connection Mechanism


Guodong Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Guodong Zhang

College of State Governance, Southwest University, Chongqing, China


A new round of internet-centered information technology revolution has affected the pattern of interest connection in rural society. This paper analyzes the occurrence mechanism of the traditional interest linkage mechanism of "company + peasant household" with contract as the core, and summarizes the endogenous reasons for the disadvantages in the process of operation. This paper expounds the theoretical mechanism of the influence of Internet on farmers' interest connection mechanism from three aspects: expanding farmers' social relations, reducing information asymmetry and improving organization degree. This paper argues that the Internet consumers directly from the choice of power, increase farmers cooperation building a community of interests, farmers union set wisdom to choose partners, to promote industrial linkage benefit, enhance the level of village governance provide standardized security benefit and so on five aspects has a positive influence on the stability of farmer benefit coupling mechanism.


Internet, Mechanism of Farmers' Interest Connection, The Stability

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Guodong Zhang. In the Context of Rural Revitalization: Analysis of the Impact of the Internet on the Stability of Farmers' Interest Connection Mechanism. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2022), Vol. 4, Issue 2: 95-100. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2022.040216.


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