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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2022, 4(6); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2022.040611.

Research and Analysis of Key Ideas on Strengthening the Quality Management of Economic Census Data


Zhang Hongxia

Corresponding Author:
Zhang Hongxia

Bureau of Statistics of Dongming County, Heze, Shandong, China


The economic census is a system, which comprehensively covers the most basic unit catalogue and its data of all trades and professions of the national economy set up to effectively grasp the development law, structure type, economic benefits and other relevant information of China's secondary and tertiary industries. It is of great significance to optimize China's economic structure, improve people's living standards and build a well-off society in an all-round way. We must strengthen the management of the quality of economic census data, improve the professional and ideological quality of census personnel, and optimize the data and sorting of census information to ensure the smooth progress of census work.


Economic census; Data management; Quality assurance

Cite This Paper

Zhang Hongxia. Research and Analysis of Key Ideas on Strengthening the Quality Management of Economic Census Data. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 6: 66-68. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2022.040611.


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