Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2022, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/AJMS.2022.030109.
Xiankui Meng, Miaoling Lin, Wenjie Zheng
School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
This paper addresses the issue of global equity under asteroid mining by first giving a definition of global equity: what you deserve matches what you get. Based on this, TOPSIS evaluation is used to assign scores to selected countries, and an allocation coefficient model is used to study the relationship between five indicators and country scores related to asteroid mining, and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to conclude that changes in indicators have a high impact on global equity. At this point, if global equity is to be achieved, the allocation rules must be specified with new allocation coefficients. Finally, this paper proposes scientific and constructive policies based on the above results, which are important for asteroid mining to benefit the world. The most important feature of this paper is to quantify global equity, and the established gray model and coefficient distribution model solve the difficulties of uncertainty of future asteroid mining, which are normative and easy to operate. At the same time, the established model can be extended to the scoring situation of countries based on various indicators, which can play a reference role in the formulation of future world equity policies.
Global equity, TOPSIS, Grey prediction, Entropy weight method
Xiankui Meng, Miaoling Lin, Wenjie Zheng. Rational mining & Better future. Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2022) Vol. 3, Issue 1: 68-72.
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