Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2019, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.190118.
Junwen Huang
School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
With the rapid development of the Chinese Internet industry and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the Chinese e-commerce industry has also developed at an alarming rate, reaching a level that attracts worldwide attention. Due to the popularity of online shopping, abundant companies have stepped into the e-commerce industry, leading to increasingly fierce competition in this industry, which requires e-commerce enterprises to find new marketing perspectives and form their own competitive edges. Among the different sales stages, we focused on the after-sales service stage, trying to study the impact of after-sales service quality on customer repurchase intention. Through investigation and research, it was concluded that after-sales service can be divided into reliability, tangibility, responsiveness and simplicity, and how after-sales service affects customer repurchase intention was explored from these four perspectives respectively. It was confirmed that reliability, tangibility, responsiveness and simplicity all have a positive impact on customer repurchase intention, with responsiveness having the largest influence while tangibility having the least. The completion quality and speed of the after-sales service positively affect customer repurchase intention, with the completion quality exerting a greater impact than the completion speed. The above research results can provide new marketing ideas for e-commerce enterprises.
After-sales service; Service quality; Customer repurchase intention
Junwen Huang. Influence of After-sales Service Quality Offered by E-commerce Enterprises on Customer Repurchase Intention. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2019) Vol. 1, Issue 2: 22-36.
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