Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2019, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.190121.
Cao Xinyue
Sunshine Hemophila Centre of Nantong, Nantong, China
This paper mainly compares the differences between Chinese and American NGO in providing public services. There are great differences in the scope of public services, personnel composition, sources of funds, service mode, service system and interest relationship between the two countries. In order to effectively promote the modernization of China's public service system, we should strengthen the sorting out of the differences between the two NGO systems in the modern era. It can analyze the existing NGO system in many aspects, reflect on the existing defects, and learn from the relevant advanced systems. On the basis of the existing public service system, China will further build a win-win situation of cooperation between the people's government and NGO.
NGO of Chinese and American; public services; difference analysis
Cao Xinyue. Tentative Analysis of the Comparison between Chinese and American NGO in Providing Public Services. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2019) Vol. 1, Issue 2: 48-52.
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