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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2022, 4(11); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2022.041119.

Study on the Newly Settled Elder’s Maladaptation in the Nursing Home—Taking an Example of the B Age Care Institution


Haihao Lin

Corresponding Author:
Haihao Lin

Affiliated High School of South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China


In the aging era, the decline of physical performance makes it more difficult for the elder to take care of themselves. Therefore, as the aged-caring service is sprouting out during the aging tendency of the population, there are more people now preferring to place the elder in nursing homes, where they can be cared for in their late years. But, according to the previous researches and interviews, the elder probably do not adapt to the change of the living circumstances, and the aged-caring service is still not matured. To assist the elder in adjusting to the nursing home, this study enquirers into the elderly’s adaptive problems in the B age care institution. By means of interviews and the case method, the research finds out, due to the change of living condition, the elder start to have physiological and mental issues. Because of traditional thoughts and incorrect perspectives, the elder commonly have a negative attitude towards the nursing home. Also, the limited and monotonous lifestyle and the low quality and negligence of caregivers make the elder feel their needs can never be met in the nursing home. Moreover, the deficiency of transparency and the government inspection can lead to nonstandard running and management, which weakens the quality of caring service. Based on the issues above, the research conducts multi-faceted analysis and proposes suggestions in different angles. Hopefully, this study can provide reference and assistance for improving the adaptability of the elder that are new to the nursing home.


nursing home; the elder; maladaptation

Cite This Paper

Haihao Lin. Study on the Newly Settled Elder’s Maladaptation in the Nursing Home—Taking an Example of the B Age Care Institution. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2022), Vol. 4, Issue 11: 103-112. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2022.041119.


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