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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2022, 4(12); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2022.041220.

A Critical Discourse Analysis on News Report about Controlling Methods in Vaccine of Covid-19 from British and American Mainstream Media based on Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model


Ou Haiyi, Chen Jiamei, Huang Xueying, Ou Cuiying, Zheng Yunyun

Corresponding Author:
Ou Haiyi

Foreign Languages School of Guangzhou City University of Technology, Guangzhou, China


This paper tends to analyze the controlling methods in vaccine of covid-19 in 50 pieces of news report from British and American mainstream media based on Fairclough’s three-dimensional model and aims to figure out the way to reinforce the reliability of reports, the message conveyed, the media’s attitudes in different epidemic conditions and the effect of the media on society. 


Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model, News Reports from Media, Controlling Methods in Vaccine of Covid-19

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Ou Haiyi, Chen Jiamei, Huang Xueying, Ou Cuiying, Zheng Yunyun. A Critical Discourse Analysis on News Report about Controlling Methods in Vaccine of Covid-19 from British and American Mainstream Media based on Fairclough’s Three-Dimensional Model. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2022), Vol. 4, Issue 12: 117-120. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2022.041220.


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