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Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2022, 3(3); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2022.030308.

Drug Market Analysis Strategy Based on the Background of the National Unified Market


Ruijin Hou, Wenbin Fan, Yinan Wu

Corresponding Author:
Ruijin Hou

Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, China, 030024


Building a unified national market is the basic support and inherent requirement of building a new development pattern. This paper selects the indicators that have an impact on the unification of the national market and divides them. Therefore, we have established a suitable evaluation system. Secondly, based on the above index system, data are collected and clustered, and the curve fitted by grey prediction analysis predicts the trend for the next four years, indicating that China's drug market has a certain room for growth. Finally, put forward effective and reasonable suggestions to the relevant departments.


Analytic Hierarchy Process, Clustering Analysis, Entropy Weight Method, Grey Prediction Analysis

Cite This Paper

Ruijin Hou, Wenbin Fan, Yinan Wu. Drug Market Analysis Strategy Based on the Background of the National Unified Market. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2022) Vol. 3, Issue 3: 37-43. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMHS.2022.030308.


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