Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2019, 1(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.190123.
Qiming Wang
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
With the rise of Internet Finance and mobile payment, online payment, mobile banking, Wechat payment and other emerging trading methods are becoming more and more abundant. We classify these network behaviors into the category of Internet finance. However, while these new businesses bring us convenience, there are also great security risks, violations, information security, data leakage, embezzlement and fraud, which seriously affect and disrupt the stability and healthy development of Internet finance. Under the current situation, only by strengthening the supervision of Internet finance can such problems be effectively solved. Based on this, starting with the analysis of the current situation and problems of Internet finance, this paper expounds the necessity of Internet financial supervision from three aspects, and finally explains the core principles of Internet financial supervision from five points.
Internet Finance; Necessity; Core Principles
Qiming Wang. Necessity Analysis and Core Principles of Internet Financial Supervision. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2019) Vol. 1, Issue 2: 61-66.
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