Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.050210.
Yifeng Zheng
Ecomonics Department, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 1466, Australia
China is the most populous country in the world. With the rapid development of China's Reform and Opening-up as well as the reform of the economic system, the problem of multi population in China has emerged, the most prominent of which is the problem of population migration. Population migration is one of the important factors that affect the development of regional economy. Since the Reform and Opening-up, the unbalanced and inclined economic development strategy of regional economy implemented in China has ignored the balance goal in emphasizing the economic benefit goal. The country's investment focus and policy dividend are inclined to the coastal areas. Behind the rapid economic development of China, the imbalance of economic development among regions has gradually become one of the hidden dangers of China's economic development. Various studies at home and abroad have shown that the unbalanced development of regional economy will cause many hazards, such as conflicts or even distortions in regional interest relations, unreasonable resource distribution and utilization, and the widening income gap. Among the population migration issues, Heilongjiang Province is typical, and many regional studies on Heilongjiang region focus on the government system, industrial structure and other reasons, and often ignore the factors of population migration. With the rapid economic development of different regions, the difference in regional economic development has become an important problem in China's rapid development. Excessive regional economic development gap will inevitably lead to a series of social problems and a vicious circle. The core of this study is to explore the impact of population migration on economic growth in Heilongjiang Province. Through combing relevant literature, based on the theory of population migration and the relevant theories of regional economic growth, theoretical analysis and assumptions are made on this issue. Based on the panel data analysis of 13 prefecture-level cities in Heilongjiang Province, the following conclusions are drawn through empirical analysis. Firstly, the migration of Heilongjiang population has a positive impact on economic development. Secondly, government policies and industrial structure have a significant impact on Heilongjiang's economic development.
Population Migration; Regional economy; Panel Data
Yifeng Zheng. The Impact of Population Migration on Regional Economic Growth: A Case Study of Heilongjiang Province. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 57-61.
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