Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.050224.
Xu Qiangsheng1, Tian Biye2
1State Grid Liaoning Electric Power CO, LTD., Power Electric Research Institute, Shenyang 110015, China
2Liaoning Province Financing Guaranty Group Co., LTD., Shenyang, China
In order to achieve multiple goals such as ensuring power security, stable operation, driving industrial development, and implementing the "carbon peak, carbon neutral" action plan, this paper builds a smart grid investment decision-making evaluation calculation method model, and expounds the derivative value of investment from an economics perspective. concept, constructs a multi-scenario-oriented derivative value investment criterion, and sorts out the smart grid investment method based on the promotion approach and industrialization method; puts forward the smart grid investment derivative value evaluation index system and its screening criteria; mixed binomial coefficient method and The coefficient of variation method constructs a subjective and objective fusion evaluation method of multi-objective dynamic balance. It has certain advantages in processing large-scale index data and can dynamically adapt to different evaluation scenarios and needs.
Power Grid Investment, Smart Grid Investment, Mixed Binomial Coefficient
Xu Qiangsheng, Tian Biye. Research on the method of power grid investment considering the difference and common points of binomial coefficient and variation coefficient. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 167-170.
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