International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2019, 3(4); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.030412.
Yixuan Liu1 ,Yijia Chen 2,* ,Lihan Meng 3
1 College of communication, shenzhen university, shenzhen 518060,China
2 College of communication, shenzhen university, shenzhen 518060,China
3 College of communication, shenzhen university, shenzhen 518060,China
*Corresponding Author
Film consumption as a type of cultural consumption is closely related to the consumer's personal cultural orientation. Most consumers will only accept film products that match their cultural orientation. Therefore, in this article, it is not enough to focus on film production itself. It is necessary to consider the cultural values of individual film consumers.In recent years, more and more national image propaganda films and new mainstream films have come on the screen, which has great significance for the shaping and dissemination of China's national image. Therefore, the research of new mainstream film has great research value for the development of China's film industry. significance.
Cltural values; Film consumers; Ional identity; New mainstream movies
Yixuan Liu ,Yijia Chen, Lihan Meng. National identity as a mediator:Research on the Influence of the Personal cultural orientation of Film Consumers on the Consumption Behavior of “ New Mainstream Movies”. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2019) Vol.3, Issue 4: 77-85.
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