International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2019, 3(5); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.030516.
Peng Huo*, Huihua Feng, Weizheng Zhang, Li Wei, Liting Wang
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
*Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding Author
The internal combustion engine is one of the most important power machinery in the world today, and it provides tremendous impetus for the progress and development of human civilization. During the working process, the internal combustion engine is subjected to various excitation forces, and the vibration of the internal combustion engine is often caused by the excitation force of various frequencies. In the past, due to limited computing power, people often used the dynamic external load of the bearing as the fixed input when performing the oil lubrication analysis of the crankshaft main bearing. In the system dynamics analysis, the influence of oil film lubrication is often neglected or simple. The linear model is replaced. In order to ensure the reliability of the work, the design of the internal combustion engine requires the crankshaft to have high strength, stiffness and good dynamic and static characteristics. Based on the principle of fluid-structure coupled heat transfer, the lubrication problem of the main bearing of internal combustion engine is discussed. The dynamic characteristics of the component under the coupling of system dynamics and fluid dynamic lubrication are simulated.
Internal combustion engine, Oil film, Lubrication, Bearing, Fluid-solid coupling heat transfer
Peng Huo, Huihua Feng , Weizheng Zhang , Li Wei , Liting Wang. Dynamic Lubrication Analysis of Main Bearing Coupling Based on Fluid-Structure Coupled Heat Transfer. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2019) Vol.3, Issue 5: 139-147.
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