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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2023, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2023.050317.

On the Distribution of Value-added Income of Homestead under the "Separation of Three Rights"


Cuicui Hu

Corresponding Author:
Cuicui Hu

School of Law, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu, Anhui, 233030, China


Under the policy of "separation of three rights" for homesteads, 33 pilot areas, such as Yiwu City, Deqing County, and Jinzhai County, have tried to solve the problem of the idle rural homestead and aboveground housing by transferring homestead use right in various ways, which also brings benefits to farmers, rural collective economic organizations, the government, and other related entities. However, combined with the reform documents issued locally and the pilot situation, it is not difficult to find that there are many problems in the distribution of the value-added income of homestead in many pilot areas, such as the restricted transfer objects of homestead use right, the controversial subjects of the right to the value-added income of homestead, and the distribution rules of the value-added income of homestead violate the principle of fairness. Based on this, it is recommended that the restrictive conditions for the transfer of homestead use rights to social entities should be relaxed and that the subjects of the right to increase the value-added income from homestead should be clearly defined as farmers, rural collective economic organizations, and the government. The income distribution rules should take into account the interests and benefits of the people.


separation of three rights; homestead; value-added income

Cite This Paper

Cuicui Hu. On the Distribution of Value-added Income of Homestead under the "Separation of Three Rights". The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 3: 101-110. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2023.050317.


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