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International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2023, 5(3); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2023.050310.

Research on bone age estimation of adolescents and children by using the fourth cervical vertebra


Yuchen Hou1, Yan Zhou2, Jingyi Chen3

Corresponding Author:
Yuchen Hou

1College of Stomatology, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, 830000, China

2College of Stomatology, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, 830000, China

3College of Stomatology, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, 830000, China


Traditionally, hand-wrist bone fragments are significantly related to the peak period of growth and development, which is the best index to judge bone age. However, some scholars hold that although the X-ray exposure to wrist is very small, it increases the exposure after all. Therefore, it is proposed to judge the stage and degree of growth and development by cervical vertebra images in lateral cephalogram. Clinical measurement of cervical vertebral bone age is mainly used to judge whether the craniofacial bone is in the peak growth period and predict the growth potential of mandible, so as to determine the appropriate treatment time and treatment mode. This paper mainly reviews the application of cervical vertebral bone age in orthodontic clinic from the above two aspects.


Bone age; Living age; Cervical vertebral bone age; Hand-wrist bone age

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Yuchen Hou, Yan Zhou, Jingyi Chen. Research on bone age estimation of adolescents and children by using the fourth cervical vertebra. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2023), Vol. 5, Issue 3: 57-61. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFM.2023.050310.


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