Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(5); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.050503.
Xiaoyan Wang1,2, Jessa Frida T. Festijo1
1Claro M. Recto Academy of Advanced Studies, Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila, Philippines
2Guangdong Technology College, Zhaoqing, China
This study aims to investigate the impact of GH Mining on work-related accidents, occupational diseases, workplace and conflicts after the implementation of the health and safety management policy proposed in 2017.The study is three pronged; first, it described the concept of policy review, the objectives of policy review, the background of the company, the whole health and safety policy; second, it discussed the results of the policy evaluation. Using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, it revealed that the main problems of the company's policy. Lastly, it puts forward the need to modify the company's health and safety policy, and gives suggestions for modification.
Mining Industry; Health and Safety Management Policy; Revised Policy
Xiaoyan Wang, Jessa Frida T. Festijo. Health and Safety Policy at GH Mining: A Systematic Review. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 5: 17-23.
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