Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2019, 2(3); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.020310.
Yan Chuang, Li Fang
State Grid Liaoning Electric Power CO,LTD. Power Electric Research Institute, Shenyang, Liaoning110015, China
Based on the actual work content of regional power grid control center, combined with mathematical optimization theory, a mathematical model of regional power grid reconstruction based on 0-1 nonlinear programming is proposed. The model takes the minimum value of the state change of the transmission line of the whole network as the objective function, and advocates to adjust the operation mode of the grid under different conditions in the shortest time. Constraints include 220kV substation main transformer load and 110kV transmission line current carrying capacity (mainly directly connected to 220kV substation) within the specified range, 110kV network radiated power supply, there is no power supply island in the network. Constraints not covered in the model, such as 220kV flow section and voltage, will be verified in the next step using the PSASP synthesis program.
regional power grid; 0-1 nonlinear programming; power grid reconstruction
Yan Chuang, Li Fang. Mathematical model for rapid reconstruction of regional power grid based on 0-1 nonlinear programming. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2019), Vol. 2, Issue 3: 83-91.
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