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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(8); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.060803.

SWOT Analysis of the Development of PE Class "Three-Stage" Teaching Structure


Du Shuting, Wang Haiying

Corresponding Author:
Wang Haiying

Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji, 721013, China


With the advancement of teaching reform, the "Three-stage" structure, which has been widely used in physical education classroom, tends to be lost in many new models and structures. By using the research methods of literature review and logical analysis method, this paper analyzes the traditional "Three-stage" teaching structure from the perspective of SWOT model in order to have a more objective grasp of the characteristics of the structure. To explore scientific and effective improvement strategies, inherit and develop the "Three-stage" teaching structure combined with the current physical education background, so as to make the traditional teaching structure full of new vitality. The research shows that the traditional "Three-Stage" structure has the advantages of scientific and efficient, easy to integrate with ideological and political education; It has the disadvantage of rigid structure and suppressing students' initiative. Faced with the opportunity brought by the national policy tilt and challenge of the impact of foreign teaching mode; According to the trend development of the traditional "Three-Stage" structure, the following development strategies should be adopted: to carry out the curriculum ideological and political, combined with after-class service; Improve the quality of teachers, improve the evaluation mechanism; Enrich the classroom content and carry out competition activities; Implement class teaching and make use of flipped classroom.


three-stage, SWOT method, physical teaching structure, curriculum structure

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Du Shuting, Wang Haiying. SWOT Analysis of the Development of PE Class "Three-Stage" Teaching Structure. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 8: 22-27. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2023.060803.


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