Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(11); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.061114.
Shang Bibo, Chen Litong
Gansu Medical College, Pingliang, Gansu, 744000, China
College students' learning burnout is one of the more common problems in colleges and universities, but there are not many related studies. The external factors that cause the learning burnout of college students are mainly the influence of social values, the pressure of employment situation, the cultivation mechanism of strict entry and wide exit of schools, the education and teaching management system to be improved and the influence of teachers' quality. The internal factors are mainly personality factors, the gap between ideal and reality, professional interests, demographic factors and so on. In view of the causes of college students' learning burnout, the society should strengthen the correct guidance of public opinion, and actively provide a platform for college students' career selection and employment. The school should improve and perfect the education and teaching management system, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students' learning.
college students; Learning burnout; Mental health; countermeasure
Shang Bibo, Chen Litong. Study on the Causes of College Students' Learning Burnout and the Intervention Strategies of Mental Health. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 11: 81-85.
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