Frontiers in Educational Research, 2019, 2(11); doi: 10.25236/FER.2019.021102.
Liang Cheng
The Tourism College of Changchun University, Changchun Jilin 13022, China
Total Physical Response/TPR (1960s-2000s) also known as TPR is formulated by American scholar James Asher. In this method, both language and body movement are synchronized through action responses and the use of imperative. TPR is very effective in foreign language teaching, which helps to improve student’s understanding and enhance their confidence. This thesis attempts to prove the effectiveness of TPR to Chinese teaching and offers empirical evidences. It collects data from in-class experiment and out-class questionnaires, and makes combined analysis.
Total Physical Response; effectiveness; analysis
Liang Cheng. The Application of TPR Teaching Methods in Mandarin class of America. Frontiers in Educational Research (2019) Vol. 2 Issue 11: 10-15.
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