Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(14); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.061414.
Jie Gao
Jinan Engineering Polytechnic, Jinan, Shandong, China
In 1999, colleges and universities expanded their enrollment on a large scale, and higher education entered the era of "popularization". With the development of higher education, the number of colleges and universities has increased sharply, but the quality of education has not improved, the ideal material conditions have not been achieved, and a relatively perfect higher education system has not been established. This paper proposes a multimodal teaching model to improve the learning efficiency of students in higher vocational colleges. By comparing the traditional teaching classroom model and other teaching models, the experimental analysis is carried out. Finally, the data analysis is carried out by using the questionnaire. The conclusion is that multimodal teaching has greatly improved the learning efficiency of students in higher vocational colleges. Therefore, multimodal teaching is very worthy of research and study by universities and colleges, and use multimodal teaching to improve the learning efficiency of current college students.
Higher Vocational Colleges, Student Learning Effectiveness, Multimodal Teaching, Effect Impact
Jie Gao. The Influence of Multimodal Teaching on the Learning Effect of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 14: 81-86.
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