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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(16); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.061608.

A Study on College English Translation Teaching Based on Production-Oriented Approach


Bingyan Zhu, Shixiang Liu

Corresponding Author:
Shixiang Liu

School of Intentional Education and Tourism, Hainan College of Software Technology, Qionghai, Hainan, 571400, China


Accurate translation and appropriate dissemination of Chinese culture have a positive practical value and profound significance in the contemporary international community. Due to the overall low level of English proficiency among vocational college students, English translation teaching is fraught with huge difficulties among the six basic English skills of reading, listening, speaking, analyzing, writing, and translation. The Production-oriented Approach (short for POA) featured with Chinese characteristics emphasizes the effective output or production of students, adheres to the integration of production and learning, and is more suitable for English teaching in the context of Chinese national conditions. Only by reexamining the dilemma of public English translation teaching, redesigning POA-based translation teaching in vocational colleges based on POA, effectively enhancing enabling through appropriate input, clarifying the task production in college English translation teaching, can the pertinence and effectiveness of production be ensured, which provides practical and feasible methods and guidelines for vocational English translation teaching. POA-based translation teaching practice has shown that it helps improve the enthusiasm and initiative of vocational college students to participate in translation practice, improve their translation skills from Chinese to English, enhance cross-cultural communication skills, and establish the cultural confidence of talents in the new era.


Production-oriented Approach (short for POA); Vocational college students; College students; English translation teaching

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Bingyan Zhu, Shixiang Liu. A Study on College English Translation Teaching Based on Production-Oriented Approach. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 16: 41-46. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2023.061608.


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