Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(20); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.062014.
Yan Liu
Philippine Christian University, Manila, Philippines
Children's healthy growth is inseparable from the joint efforts of school and family, kindergarten school-family partnerships to promote the comprehensive development of children has a very important role. This paper uses the research method of literature and the logic analysis, focuses on the analysis of the main problems faced by the kindergarten school-family partnerships, and puts forward the development direction of the kindergarten school-family partnerships and the effective operation mechanism. The study holds that family education is the foundation of kindergarten education, and kindergarten education is an extension of family education. Kindergarten education plays a leading role in cultivating talents, but it still needs the close cooperation of family education. Otherwise, the role of kindergarten education will be weakened or even cancelled.
children, school-family partnerships, education, development direction, effective operation
Yan Liu. Research on the Development Direction and Effective Operation of School-family Partnerships in Kindergartens. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 20: 81-86.
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