Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(20); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.062024.
Boyu Sun
Linyi University, Linyi, China
This study aimed to investigate Chinese English major students’ beliefs about translation learning and learning strategies in tertiary translation classrooms in China. Differences of translation learning beliefs and learning strategies based on participant profiles were explored. In addition, it attempted to investigate the relationship between learning beliefs and learning strategies. Participants in the present study included a total of 305 under graduate students. Specifically, the sample was composed of 155 third-year English majors and 150 fourth-year English majors in China. A questionnaire was designed and administered to all subjects. The questionnaire consisted of the following two instruments: 1) Beliefs about Translation Learning Survey (BATLS), which was developed on the basis of Schäffner (2004) [1]; 2) Strategies Inventory for Translation Learning (SITL) adapted from Han (2015) [2]. The findings indicated that English majors held a moderate level of translation learning beliefs. Great differences were identified regarding translation learning beliefs. Male have a better recognition on beliefs about translation principles than female. Seniors and proficient learners have a higher level of beliefs concerning motivation and expectations. In addition, students applied various strategies in translation learning process but with a medium frequency. Juniors and seniors differed considerably in their application of compensation strategies. Further, significant correlation were observed in translation learning beliefs and translation learning strategies. The more positive beliefs students held, the more frequent strategies applied in translation. The present study enriched the research on translation learning beliefs and translation learning strategies. These findings held important implications for translation teaching and learning in China.
Translation Learning Beliefs, Translation Learning Strategies, Translation Competence and Chinese English Major Students
Boyu Sun. Translation Learning Beliefs and Learning Strategies of Chinese English Majors. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 20: 155-161.
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