Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(26); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.062611.
Wenjuan Fan, Ming Li, Jiwei Guo, Mingxia Li, Wenling Tian, Shengjie Zhou
Nanchong Vocational and Technical College, Nanchong, China
To determine the right direction for the future application of digital textbooks, it is essential to gain insights by analyzing the actual situations in countries that have already implemented digital textbooks. Therefore, this paper, building upon a review of the development of digital textbook policies in China, compares the application policies of digital textbooks in the United States, South Korea and Taiwan. The impact of digital textbook policies in these countries is analyzed from three aspects: the promoting body and strategy, the scope of application, the distribution system, and the methods of application. Based on these influences, a proposal for improving China's digital textbook policy is put forward. The improvement plan for digital textbooks presented in this paper is intended to serve as foundational material for shaping future policies and strategies for the development of digital textbooks.
digital textbooks, applied politics, international comparative studies
Wenjuan Fan, Ming Li, Jiwei Guo, Mingxia Li, Wenling Tian, Shengjie Zhou. International Comparative Study of Digital Textbook Application Policies. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 26: 60-66.
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