Frontiers in Educational Research, 2023, 6(28); doi: 10.25236/FER.2023.062815.
Yan Huang, Xiaoli Cheng
Faculty of Foreign Language, Gongqing College of Nanchang University, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China
With the rapid development of the Internet information technology, there is no substitute for it in the information exchange. However, the IT (Information Technology) and the university’s translation teaching have some mutual promotion and mutual influence. In the course of information teaching, it is an important approach for the teachers to make use of the Internet. In the traditional English teaching mode, teachers usually stimulate students to participate in classroom situational activities through multimedia devices and network resources, so as to improve the learning effect. However, due to the heavy burden on students’ schoolwork and the lack of extracurricular reading, it is difficult to cultivate students’ English ability. Therefore, it is difficult for students to compare their learning effect with the teacher’s teaching. Therefore, this paper combined network information technology with college English translation and information based teaching innovation, and created an Internet learning system to help college English translation teaching and learning. In this paper, a comparative experiment was conducted to investigate the validity of IT in college English translation and information education. The results showed that this technique can significantly increase the students’ interest in English learning. Meanwhile, it can raise the average grade by at least 3 percent, and improve their English translation level effectively.
English Translation, Network Information Technology, Transformation of Education, Talent Cultivation
Yan Huang, Xiaoli Cheng. College English Translation and Informatization Teaching Innovation under the Background of Network Information Technology. Frontiers in Educational Research (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 28: 114-123.
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