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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(26); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052614.

An Exploration of the Nurturing Strategies of Literary History and Theory Courses for Chinese Arts Management Majors—Taking Su Shi as an Example


Zhang Mai

Corresponding Author:
Zhang Mai

School of Arts, Shandong Management University, Jinan, Shandong, China


Under the background of the construction of new liberal arts, the art management major has developed rapidly in China, and the practicality and applicability of the profession have been paid more attention to. Based on the cultivation objectives of art management major and talent cultivation system of art management major of Shandong University of Management, this paper tries to explore the practice-oriented nurturing strategy of the theoretical course of "History of Chinese and Foreign Literature" by taking Su Shi as an example, and combining with the educational ideas of the new era from the perspective of the professional characteristics, students' learning situation, and career orientation. In the process of education, through teaching interaction, we analyze Su Shi's life course, literary style and ideological transformation with students, and establish the organic connection between Su Shi's integrity, diligence, optimism, and open-mindedness, his charisma, and the context of the times and his personal values, so as to provide a role model for the young Chinese students to combine their personal pursuits with the context of the times. At the same time, the logic of appreciation based on the main line of "environment-literature-literary works", as well as the integration and comparative analysis of fine plays of the same theme, not only enhances the interest of learning, but also enables students to consolidate their knowledge of literature and history while gaining a deeper understanding of history and theory. At the same time, it also enables students to consolidate their knowledge of literary history while gaining a deeper understanding of the specific application of historical knowledge in the arts management profession and industry, and transforming it into practical skills applicable to the arts management industry.


Teaching Reform; Civics; Arts Management; Literary History

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Zhang Mai. An Exploration of the Nurturing Strategies of Literary History and Theory Courses for Chinese Arts Management Majors—Taking Su Shi as an Example. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 26: 75-82. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.052614.


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