Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(2); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070215.
Ye Ziling, Xie Min, Gu Rong
School of Foreign Languages, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, 341000, China
With the advancement of globalization, global competence has become a necessary qualification for teachers. In conjunction with TALIS conducted by OECD in2018 and the structure of teachers' global competence, the teachers’ global competence is divided into three dimensions: understanding, preparation and practice. Based on the data from TALIS 2018 survey in Shanghai, the analysis was conducted by SPSS software to present the performance and influencing factors of teachers' global competence in China, and finally proposed strategies to improve teachers' global competence. The study found that teachers in Shanghai performed well on the understanding and preparation dimensions of global competence, but were inadequate on the practice dimension. The gender, teaching age and study abroad factors had significant effects on the understanding dimension of teachers' global competence; the gender, education and teaching experience factors had significant effects on the preparation dimension of teachers' global competence. Accordingly, it is recommended to encourage teachers to go abroad for further training, to pay attention to post-service teacher education and the guiding role of expert teachers, and to deepen the practice orientation of teachers' global competence.
global competence; TALIS2018; teacher professional development
Ye Ziling, Xie Min, Gu Rong. The Development Status and Enhancement Strategies of Teachers' Global Competence: Evidences from TALIS 2018 Survey in Shanghai. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 2: 94-100.
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