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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(2); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070230.

Adolescents who have siblings with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs): A systematic review


Xiaohui Sun1, Mingyang Zhou2

Corresponding Author:
Xiaohui Sun

1School of Humanities, Social Science, and Law, University of Dundee, DD14HN Dundee, UK

2School of Business, University of Dundee, DD14HN Dundee, UK


Individuals possess IDDs face challenges and require lifelong support regarding to learning, social interaction, and self-care. Having siblings diagnosed with IDDs tend to bring great impact on the typical developing (TD) siblings in the same family. Based on the special developmental characteristics of adolescents, the effect of having siblings with IDDs tend to be different on them, compared with it on other age groups (e.g., children, adults). This study conducted a systematic review for literatures focusing on adolescents who had siblings with IDDs, in terms of their daily life experience, adjustment behaviours, and relationship with their siblings. Twenty-seven studies were included, wherein the TD adolescents were interviewed or surveyed in various methods. The studies were summarized according to country, publication time, participant demographics, research methodology, study focus, and results. Results suggested that siblings with IDDs brought warmth and challenges to the daily experience of TD adolescents. TD adolescents developed both positive and negative attitudes and adjustment behaviours toward their siblings with IDDs. Adolescents’ adjustment behaviours included their psychological well-being and strategies coping with the siblings’ behaviours. This review further investigated relevant factors of adolescents’ different performance and suggested the need of support from parents, peers, community, professions, and other TD adolescents who were in similar conditions. Given the existence of adjustment difficulties and insufficient support resources, this study come up with domains referential for practical support to the targeted population.


Typical developing adolescents, Siblings, Intellectual or developmental disabilities

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Xiaohui Sun, Mingyang Zhou. Adolescents who have siblings with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs): A systematic review. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 2: 194-201. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070230.


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