International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society, 2024, 8(1); doi: 10.25236/IJNDES.2024.080107.
Bingyan Wei, Yiliang Zhou, Jin Huang, Jiale Zhang, Xiaojuan Wei
College of Electrical Engineering, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, 730124, China
With the accelerated development of industrialization, the global climate is constantly deteriorating, and the impact of natural disasters on humanity is becoming increasingly severe. In order to effectively distinguish different degrees of mountain flood disasters and landslides, and analyze the severity of mountain landslides that occur during mountain flood outbreaks, this paper proposes a machine vision based method for monitoring and early warning analysis of mountain disasters, combining image processing and pattern recognition technology. This article designs a mountain flood and landslide monitoring system based on machine vision to achieve the effectiveness of project content, and has a mobile end where each module can be executed in collaboration.
Computer vision, Monitoring system, Mobile terminal, YOLOV5 algorithm, Rainstorm and flood detection
Bingyan Wei, Yiliang Zhou, Jin Huang, Jiale Zhang, Xiaojuan Wei. Machine Vision Monitoring of Mountain Flood Disaster and Landslide Warning Based on K210. International Journal of New Developments in Engineering and Society (2024) Vol.8, Issue 1: 42-46.
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