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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(3); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070332.

“Learning through Doing” and “Doing while Learning”: Exploring the Implementation Path of Integrating Labor Education into Senior High School English Teaching in the New Era


Jiaolan Xu

Corresponding Author:
Jiaolan Xu

School of Foreign Languages, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, 341000, China


Labor education, as a fundamental requirement of educational policies, is one of the effective approaches to implementing the core socialist values. In recent years, it has gradually received attention from the government, society, schools, and individuals. In July 2020, the Ministry of Education issued the “Guidelines for Labor Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial Implementation),” which stated the need for “organic integration of labor education into academic disciplines”[1]. Integrating labor education into subject teaching can promote the daily implementation and comprehensive development of labor education. As a core subject in the basic education system, English carries rich labor knowledge and connotations in senior high school, and holds profound significance for guiding students’ labor practices. Therefore, English teaching should be regarded as one of the important battlegrounds for labor education in senior high school. Through the organic combination of English teaching and practice, it can promote the improvement of students’ labor literacy and the cultivation of a labor spirit. To integrate labor education into senior high school English teaching, this study explores the connotation of labor education, seeks the convergent points between English and labor education, and aims to “learning through doing” and “doing while learning,” thereby exploring the implementation path of integrating labor education into senior high school English teaching. The goal is to provide insights for English teaching.


Labor education; English teaching in Senior High school; Learning through doing, Doing while learning

Cite This Paper

Jiaolan Xu. “Learning through Doing” and “Doing while Learning”: Exploring the Implementation Path of Integrating Labor Education into Senior High School English Teaching in the New Era. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 3: 190-195. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070332.


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