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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(5); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070503.

Exploring and Evaluating a Blended Learning Model of Theoretical Mechanics under the Ideological and Political Education


Li Haikang1, Xue Quanting1, Zhang Zhihong1, Zhang Xiaoyuan1, Geng Jing2

Corresponding Author:
Li Haikang

1College of Intelligent Engineering, Jinzhong College of Information, Jinzhong, China

2College of Agricultural Engineering, Shanxi Agricultural University, Jinzhong, China


Integrating ideological and political education into theoretical teaching helps cultivate students' socialist core values and moral literacy. Online and Offline Blended Learning Model, facilitates the provision of rich learning resources for students, enhancing their ability for independent learning and analysis of practical problems. This study focuses on the course of Theoretical Mechanics, analyzes the current status of teaching, and proposes an effective integration of the blended learning approach under the ideological and political education. The study also evaluates the teaching effectiveness. The results show that students definitely recognize the blended learning model and the integration of ideological and political education into daily teaching methods. The overall satisfaction rate with three aspects (knowledge, abilities, and qualities) exceeds 70%, and students have shown improvement in their final exam results. This teaching model can provide references for future reforms and innovations in the course of Theoretical Mechanics.


Ideological and political education; Theoretical Mechanics; Blended learning model; Effectiveness evaluation

Cite This Paper

Li Haikang, Xue Quanting, Zhang Zhihong, Zhang Xiaoyuan, Geng Jing. Exploring and Evaluating a Blended Learning Model of Theoretical Mechanics under the Ideological and Political Education. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 5: 16-23. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070503.


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