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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(5); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070522.

Research on the Development Strategy of Vocational Undergraduate Education in the Context of Digital China Construction


Jiaxiang Jiang1, Xinjia Wang2

Corresponding Author:
Jiaxiang Jiang

1University of the East, Manila, 1008, Philippines

2Fuliang County NO. 2 Primary School, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, 333499 China


In the context of the construction of digital China, vocational undergraduate education has gradually become a key channel for high-quality, market-demanding professionals. In order to promote the innovation of the management mode of vocational undergraduate education, a research on the development strategy of vocational undergraduate education in the context of the construction of digital China is proposed. Firstly, the two core concepts of vocational undergraduate colleges and talent cultivation mode are defined, and then the value orientation of the current development of vocational undergraduate education is analyzed from the three aspects of social development needs, student development needs and path creation needs. Finally, the development path of vocational undergraduate education is combined with specific realization strategies, including clarifying the talent cultivation goals, reforming the professional curriculum and expanding the main body of talent cultivation. The aim is to create an innovative educational model for vocational undergraduate universities and to promote a more balanced development of vocational education.


digital construction; vocational undergraduate education; development strategy; talent training

Cite This Paper

Jiaxiang Jiang, Xinjia Wang. Research on the Development Strategy of Vocational Undergraduate Education in the Context of Digital China Construction. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 5: 137-141. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070522.


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