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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060509.

Research on the Integration and Application of Aesthetic Education Elements in Primary School Chinese Language Teaching


Yun Zhang1,2, Qin Zhang3, Ting Zhang4, Peijia Wei1

Corresponding Author:
Ting Zhang

1Zhumadian Vocational and Technical College, Zhumadian, China

2Graduate School, Cavite State University, Cavite, Philippines

3National University Philippines, Manila, Philippines

4Zhumadian Preschool Teachers College, Zhumadian, China


China attaches great importance to education, especially regarding primary school Chinese language education as the cornerstone of the entire education system. Chinese language teaching in primary school not only imparts language knowledge, but also carries an important responsibility of cultivating students' aesthetic and humanistic qualities. As an important component of teaching, aesthetic education further enriches the connotation of Chinese language education by stimulating students' perception, understanding, and creation of beauty. The article explores how to integrate aesthetic education into primary school Chinese language teaching, including the combination and application of multiple aspects such as textbooks, teaching, and environment. The article concludes with an overview of the process and advantages of using VR technology for teaching, and looks forward to the infinite possibilities of combining education with high technology in the future.


Aesthetic Education, Primary School, Chinese Language Teaching, VR

Cite This Paper

Yun Zhang, Qin Zhang, Ting Zhang, Peijia Wei. Research on the Integration and Application of Aesthetic Education Elements in Primary School Chinese Language Teaching. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 5: 53-57. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060509.


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