Frontiers in Educational Research, 2020, 3(2); doi: 10.25236/FER.2020.030210.
Jiang Chunhong
Jiang Chunhong
This paper uses a literature combing method to sort out domestic scholars' research on occupational stress, mental health, and related issues of Chinese college youth. It summarizes the research status and research content of domestic college young teachers on occupational stress, mental health, and the relationship between them. In terms of subdivision of research objects, improvement of research methods, and deepening of research content, we have considered and prospected the research trends of professional stress and mental health of young teachers in colleges and universities in China.
College young teachers; Occupational stress; Mental health
Jiang Chunhong. Status and Prospects of Research on Occupational Stress and Mental Health of Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities. Frontiers in Educational Research (2020) Vol. 3 Issue 2: 34-39.
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