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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060626.

Personalized Marketing Strategies: How to Leverage Big Data to Meet Consumers' Personalized Needs


Pan Mingqi

Corresponding Author:
Pan Mingqi

NielsenIQ, Shanghai, 200001, China


As consumer demands diversify, personalized marketing has become a key strategy for businesses to gain a competitive edge. The rapid development of big data technology provides strong support for achieving personalized marketing. This paper first elaborates on the theoretical foundations of personalized marketing, including consumer behavior theory and market segmentation and positioning strategies. Subsequently, the paper explores big data technologies and tools, such as data mining, machine learning, and big data platforms like Hadoop and Spark, which enable the collection and analysis of consumer data. The article further analyzes the applications of big data in personalized marketing, including personalized recommendation systems, dynamic pricing strategies, customized products and services, and personalized customer relationship management. Through case studies, the paper demonstrates how businesses successfully utilize big data for personalized marketing and extracts effective strategies from these examples. At the same time, the article points out the challenges that may be encountered in the implementation of personalized marketing, such as data privacy and security issues, data quality and accuracy issues, and the lack of technology and talent, and proposes corresponding countermeasures. Finally, the paper summarizes the importance of big data in personalized marketing and looks forward to future research directions.


Personalized Marketing, Big Data, Consumer Behavior, Market Segmentation, Data Mining, Personalized Recommendations, Dynamic Pricing, Customized Services, Customer Relationship Management, Data Privacy, Data Security

Cite This Paper

Pan Mingqi. Personalized Marketing Strategies: How to Leverage Big Data to Meet Consumers' Personalized Needs. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 6: 172-176. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2024.060626.


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