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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(7); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.070716.

The Representation of Chinese Culture in the People’s Education Press’ Junior High School English Textbooks


Xiaochun Wu1, Xiaowan Gao2, Fang Yao3, Zheng Xiyuan1, Wang Yetong1

Corresponding Author:
Fang Yao

1School of Foreign Languages, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, Guangdong, 524048, China

2Hai Dong Middle School (Branch of No. 2 Middle School), Zhanjiang, Guangdong, China

3Hua Qiao Middle School of Shunde, Foshan, China


The content of English textbooks plays a pivotal role in shaping students’ cultural perceptions, especially for young learners. The junior high school English textbooks published by the People’s Education Press (PEP), widely used across China, serve as a fundamental source of English language education for millions of students. An examination of how Chinese culture is presented within these textbooks is crucial for gaining insights into how young Chinese learners engage with their cultural heritage through the medium of English education. The paper aims to investigate the representation and portrayal of Chinese culture in the PEP junior high school English textbooks. Through a quantitative analysis of the content, types, dimensions and modes related to the Chinese culture within these textbooks, it endeavors to elucidate the distinct characteristics of the PEP junior high school English textbooks, identify any inadequacies in the cultural representation, and propose revision suggestions from the perspective of cultural representation.


Chinese culture, PEP English textbooks for Junior High School Chinese students, cultural representation, cultural modes, cultural dimensions

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Xiaochun Wu, Xiaowan Gao, Fang Yao, Zheng Xiyuan, Wang Yetong. The Representation of Chinese Culture in the People’s Education Press’ Junior High School English Textbooks. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 7: 108-115. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.070716.


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