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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2024, 6(7); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060707.

Research on Teaching Reform of Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers Based on BOPPPS


Ren Zheng, Liang Yu, Hao Wu

Corresponding Author:
Hao Wu

School of Computer Science, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, 523000, China


In response to the call for the construction of first-class IoT professional courses and to promote the steady development of IoT engineering majors, a comprehensive teaching reform has been carried out on the principles and applications of Microcontrollers. The core goal of this reform is to cultivate students' comprehensive abilities. By introducing diversified teaching methods, students can not only master knowledge but also flexibly apply it to practice, achieving a transformation from knowledge learning to ability application. Through teaching practice, it has been verified that this teaching model significantly enhances students' interest in learning, while also greatly exercising their hands-on ability and innovative thinking. In accordance with the current requirements for engineering education professional certification, we have further introduced the BOPPPS teaching model and integrated and optimized teaching resources using the advanced online teaching platform "ChaoXing". Through the BOPPPS teaching model, we emphasize the subjectivity of students and increase their participation in teaching activities. This mode has the function of real-time learning situation analysis, allowing teachers to have a clear understanding of students' learning situation, and then reflect on teaching and adjust teaching content in a timely manner. In addition, we have also established a timely and effective closed-loop teaching feedback mechanism to ensure that every link in the teaching process can receive timely feedback and adjustments. This reform not only makes the course of Microcontrollers principles more in line with the needs of modern engineering education, but also lays a solid foundation for the development of the Internet of Things engineering major.


Internet of Things Engineering; Microcontrollers principles; BOPPPS

Cite This Paper

Ren Zheng, Liang Yu, Hao Wu. Research on Teaching Reform of Principles and Applications of Microcontrollers Based on BOPPPS. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 7: 41-45. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2024.060707.


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