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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2024, 7(10); doi: 10.25236/FER.2024.071036.

A Programming Learning Engagement Assessment Model and Teaching Application Based on Online Judgement System


Zuhua Dai, Shiya Lv, Qicheng Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Zuhua Dai

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China


The online judge system is a specialized learning management systems for program assignments commonly used in programming education. The behaviour data recorded by the system can reflect the most authentic thinking and learning situation of students. Mining and analysis the learning behaviour data can help teachers discover students with learning difficulties in a timely manner and design personalized teaching activities. Although the important value of learning behaviour data analysis in promoting the development of online education has attracted widespread attention and reflection, the mining techniques for these data have been underexplored. This study investigated the data on student self-directed learning behaviour in online programming learning and studied the identification method of self-directed learning behaviour patterns. We also explored the applicability of student behaviour differentiation analysis in academic performance warning, personalized teaching activity assistance design, and learning situation analysis. We collected online behaviour data from 152 students in the Algorithm Design and Analysis course at a comprehensive university in China. Students were asked to independently submit programs for 17 programming questions within 18 weeks, and the program used the automatic evaluation results on the online judge system as their regular grades for the course. In the end, 8259 program submission records were collected. We constructed an online programmer learning engagement evaluation model and event analysis, correlation analysis, and K-means algorithm to cluster these behavioural data to determine the differences in student learning engagement patterns. Using the model proposed in this study, 8259 program submission records were processed, and five significantly different programming learning behaviour patterns were identified, namely: progressive high input, high performance input, random input, low performance input, and low input. Thereby demonstrating the usability of the model in evaluating learner differentiated learning engagement patterns. We also propose application suggestions for differentiated student behaviour patterns in teaching scenarios.


Online Judge System; Programming Learning Behaviour; Assessment of Learning Engagement; Event Analysis; Cluster Algorithm

Cite This Paper

Zuhua Dai, Shiya Lv, Qicheng Zhang. A Programming Learning Engagement Assessment Model and Teaching Application Based on Online Judgement System. Frontiers in Educational Research (2024) Vol. 7, Issue 10: 223-234. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2024.071036.


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