Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.040106.
Li Lihanke
University for science and technology Sichuan, China
Based on the analysis of the current professional development needs of kindergarten teachers, this article deeply explores the construction and practical feasibility of an Internet-based preschool education teacher ability improvement platform. Through innovative teacher training models, the introduction of professional guidance and high-tech information methods, and actively provide services to the professional needs of preschool teachers, play a role in promoting the professional construction of regional preschool education care teams and promoting the balanced development of local preschool education.
Pre-school education, Internet, platform for improving teachers' ability
Li Lihanke. Research on Preschool Education and Training of College Students Based on Internet Technology. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4 Issue 1: 26-31.
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