Frontiers in Educational Research, 2021, 4(9); doi: 10.25236/FER.2021.040915.
Enliang Li, Xiaoli Hu
Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Jiangsu, Nanjing 211170, China
With the deepening of teaching reform in higher vocational colleges, project-based teaching has been widely used in basic English in higher vocational colleges. This paper first summarizes the concept of project-based English teaching, then analyzes the current situation of basic English teaching in higher vocational colleges, and finally discusses the application path of project-based teaching in basic English in higher vocational colleges.
project-based teaching; higher vocational colleges; basic English; application
Enliang Li, Xiaoli Hu. Application of Project-based Teaching in Basic English in Higher Vocational Colleges. Frontiers in Educational Research (2021) Vol. 4, Issue 9: 77-79.
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