Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.050410.
Jing Zuo
School of Education, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei, Anhui, 235000, China
With the restoration of the college entrance examination system, the function of the college entrance examination has been reshaped. The college entrance examination has been continuously reformed and improved, gradually expanding to form a three-dimensional functional structure of basic functions, educational functions and social functions. Serving and selecting talents is the basic function of the college entrance examination; promoting teaching reform and promoting the all-round development of schools and disciplines is the educational function of the college entrance examination; maintaining social fairness and justice is the social function of the college entrance examination. In the new era, a series of historical and realistic factors have brought about an inevitable turn in the function of the college entrance examination, which has been further accelerated by the reform of the new college entrance examination. The function of the college entrance examination in the new era has ushered in a multi-dimensional turn and transformation, that is, the turn of the social function of cultivating diversified talents, the educational function of adaptive examination, and the value function of improving students' comprehensive quality. The evolution of the function of the college entrance examination prominently reflects the modernity of the college entrance examination and the phased characteristics of the educational reform in our country.
College entrance examination function, Three dimensional structure, New era turn
Jing Zuo. Three dimensional structure of college entrance examination function and its new era turn. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 4: 49-52.
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