Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.050415.
Li Fanfan1, Pang Tiqiang2
1Faculty of Education and Languages, SEGi University, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
2Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Flexible Electronics Technology of THU, China
Study the mechanisms and factors that affect the school adaptation of China vocational college freshmen during the COVID-19 control period is an important issue. A total of 432 vocational college freshmen were focused to explore the relationships between self-efficacy, social support and school adaptation among China WL vocational college. Based on structural equation model, path analysis was applied to analysis the relationships between variables. A direct relationship was found between self-efficacy and social support (β= .47; p<.001), as well as school adaptation (β= .46; p<.001). In addition, social support was a significant mediator in the relationship between self-efficacy and school adaptation (β = .31, p< .001, 95% CI [.109~. 345]). This study’s findings help to understand the interrelationship between self-efficacy, social support and school adaptation. Consequently, policy makers, faculty and parents can develop and plan valuable strategies to help the freshmen quickly get through the COVID-19 control.
Self-efficacy, Social Support, School Adaptation, COVID-19
Li Fanfan, Pang Tiqiang. Mediating Effects of Social Support on the Relationship between Self-efficacy and School Adaptation among China Vocational College Freshmen during COVID-19 Control Period. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 4: 74-80.
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