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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2022, 4(4); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2022.040404.

Research on Harmonious Management Leadership Based on Action Learning


Yuqiang Kong1,2

Corresponding Author:
Yuqiang Kong

1Graduate School, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines

2College of Computer, Guangdong Business and Technology University, Zhaoqing, 526060, Guangdong, China


Leadership development is considered to be the main way to promote organizational change and deal with environmental challenges, and action learning is an effective way to quickly improve leadership. Action learning is often ranked first in surveys on the best ways to develop organizational leadership. The concept of action learning has been mentioned frequently in domestic literature, but its role in leadership development is quite rare. In reality, due to multiple values, intertwined contradictions and entangled interests, the organization is facing greater challenges in achieving strategic objectives and healthy development. As a new way of leadership development, action learning is being practiced and recognized by more and more organizations. Action is like a necklace, which strings together leadership development tools such as assessment, curriculum, coaching and management consulting around the theme like pearls. It has the characteristics of accuracy, effectiveness and experience, and finally achieves the dual purposes of problem solving and leadership promotion. Based on the related theories of action learning and leadership development, this paper discusses the relationship and function between the core concept of action learning and the development of leadership by action learning.


Learning, Harmonious Management Leadership

Cite This Paper

Yuqiang Kong. Research on Harmonious Management Leadership Based on Action Learning. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 4: 18-21. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2022.040404.


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