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Frontiers in Educational Research, 2022, 5(17); doi: 10.25236/FER.2022.051712.

The Teaching Analysis and Design of the Construction of C Language Multi-Document Project Based on Keil


Huiguo Cao, Yanxiang Gong

Corresponding Author:
Huiguo Cao

School of Physics and Electr0nic Engineering, Taishan University, Taian City, Shandong Province, 271000, China


The establishment of C language multi-file engineering is a difficult point to deepen the learning of C language, and is also the basis for learning STM32 programming. This article uses the project creation process of 8 LED lights as an example to establish the source program files and header files of each function and hardware. Guide students from the modularization of functions to the modularization of source files, teaching analysis and design of the establishment of multi-file engineering, so that more students can deeply understand and master the creation of multi-file engineering, laying a solid foundation for the deepening of embedded learning.


C language, Multi file, Modularization, Teaching design

Cite This Paper

Huiguo Cao, Yanxiang Gong. The Teaching Analysis and Design of the Construction of C Language Multi-Document Project Based on Keil. Frontiers in Educational Research (2022) Vol. 5, Issue 17: 65-69. https://doi.org/10.25236/FER.2022.051712.


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