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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2022, 4(17); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2022.041716.

Qualitative Analysis of the Key Influencing Factors of Farmers Participate in Agricultural Products E-Commerce to Help Rural Revitalization


Xinxiang Gao1,2

Corresponding Author:
Xinxiang Gao

1Graduate School of Business, SEGI University, Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia

2Civil Affairs Bureau, Hanzhong, Shaanxi, China


At present, China is in a new stage of development, and agricultural e-commerce has become an important starting point to realize the rural revitalization strategy. As an indispensable market subject of agricultural e-commerce ecosystem, it is particularly critical to analyze the impact factors of farmers' participation in the development of agricultural e-commerce. The purpose of this study is to study the key influence factors of farmers 'participation in the development of e-commerce, understand farmers' perception of online sales of agricultural products, and analyze the positive and negative factors of farmers' participation in the development of e-commerce. This paper collected data by interviewing three farmers in three different villages in the Qinling Mountains of China. ATLAS. ti software performed the analysis. The research results show that the effective participation of farmers in the development of e-commerce depends not only on the influence of a certain factor, but on the influence of a combination of multiple factors, that is, family income increase and government services are positive factors, and development opportunities and comprehensive e-commerce services are negative factors. Through analysis, we found that the following countermeasures and suggestions were proposed for farmers participating in agricultural products e-commerce to help rural revitalization. First, we need to improve rural human capital, second, we will support the diversified construction of e-commerce service stations and the optimization and upgrading of service functions, accelerate the formation of a modern agricultural products circulation system, and fourth, strengthen the construction and integrated application of new infrastructure. Due to limited collection time, the regional distribution of samples in this study was concentrated and the number of respondents was small. The sample size cannot not represent all Chinese farmers participating in e-commerce.


Agricultural products e-commerce, Rural revitalization, Impact factors, Qualitative analysis

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Xinxiang Gao. Qualitative Analysis of the Key Influencing Factors of Farmers Participate in Agricultural Products E-Commerce to Help Rural Revitalization. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2022) Vol. 4, Issue 17: 121-130. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2022.041716.


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