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International Journal of New Developments in Education, 2023, 5(6); doi: 10.25236/IJNDE.2023.050607.

The Qualities of English Teachers in Theme-based Instruction—An Exploration about the Humanity of the Different Teachings in the Same Reading and Writing Lesson in Grade 8


Liu Yumei1, Qin Xiaolin2, Xie Jialuo1, He Dingxiang3, Lv Chunlan3

Corresponding Author:
Liu Yumei

1College of Foreign Languages, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, China

2School of Foreign Languages, Southwest University, Chongqing, China

3English Teaching Research Group, Zhanjiang No. 2 Middle School, Zhanjiang, China


The advantages of theme-led and text-based foreign language teaching lie in that the richest human emotions, the truest society, life and human nature can be observed from the smallest texts. It can help students to go from reading, seizing, distinguishing, appreciating/questioning the text to the development of problem awareness, cultural awareness, critical awareness, and self-consciousness in learning, which is a mental process from sensibility to rationality. This is an ideal form that revolves around the four core competencies and highly integrates the instrumental and humanistic nature of language teaching. However, the practice of teaching one same reading and writing lesson in different ways in Grade 8 shows that teachers do lack the basic qualities to carry out the theme teaching---ability to capture and interpret theme information, ability to reorganize text, cultural awareness, and ability to empathize. Therefore, expanding knowledge of literature, history and philosophy, consolidating professional knowledge, conducting career reflection and emotional introspection are important practices for developing basic qualities.


Theme-based Teaching; Qualities of English Teacher; Humanity

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Liu Yumei, Qin Xiaolin, Xie Jialuo, He Dingxiang, Lv Chunlan. The Qualities of English Teachers in Theme-based Instruction—An Exploration about the Humanity of the Different Teachings in the Same Reading and Writing Lesson in Grade 8. International Journal of New Developments in Education (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 6: 36-46. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJNDE.2023.050607.


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