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Frontiers in Medical Science Research, 2023, 5(5); doi: 10.25236/FMSR.2023.050511.

Advances in miRNA research in bone tissue engineering vascularization


Xiayidan Aihemaitijiang, Tiantian Zhu, Wuxikun Wuran, Xing Wang

Corresponding Author:
Xing Wang

Department of Prosthodontics, the First Affiliated Hospital (Affiliated Stomatological Hospital) of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 830054, China


Vascularization is is a prerequisite for bone tissue engineering. Inflammation and poor survival environment after bone tissue-engineered transplantation often affect the final treatment outcome due to early inadequate blood supply. In recent years, the importance of miRNAs in regulating angiogenesis and arteriogenesis has been recognized. miRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs consisting of 21-25 nucleotides. miRNAs are abundant in the vascular system and play an important regulatory role in the vascularization of stem cells toward differentiation. In this paper, we will review the importance of angiogenesis in bone tissue engineering and the role of miRNAs in tissue-engineered bone angiogenesis.


miRNA; vascularization; bone tissue engineering

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Xiayidan Aihemaitijiang, Tiantian Zhu, Wuxikun Wuran, Xing Wang. Advances in miRNA research in bone tissue engineering vascularization. Frontiers in Medical Science Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 5: 74-78. https://doi.org/10.25236/FMSR.2023.050511.


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